Article Review : "How to Help Diverse Students Find Common Ground" By Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu

Developing an inclusive community demands first dealing with the anxiety brought on by such intimate encounters. Hannah, a white student, feels threatened that “I’ll be personally blamed for racism.” Jeff, a male, fears that “I’ll be targeted for sexism.” Tyler, an athlete, confides, “I hate it that they think we’re not as smart as they are.” Yvonne, a black student, worries that “I’ll be put on the spot every time the subject turns to race.”

While these anxieties complicate student interactions, as I mentioned above a considerable amount of research suggests that contact between people of different races and ethnicities can reduce prejudice—provided that four important conditions are in place: having the support of relevant authorities, sharing common goals, a sense of cooperation, and equal status.

For my courses, we show the support of authorities by offering them as undergraduate courses that provide 3-5 credits, getting the administration to sign off by demonstrating that they’re based on rigorous scholarly content. We establish common goals explicitly in the titles and descriptions of my courses; these include “making peace in ourselves and in the world,” “creating a space for both intrapersonal and interpersonal growth,” “heartful community building,” “transforming self and systems,” and “crossing borders of race, sex, and nation.”

To work toward those common goals, much in my courses is deliberately designed around building a sense of cooperation and equal status. While developing an inclusive community is not easy, over time I have found that fostering the four conditions, and the success of my courses as a whole, is guided by eight important principles—what I call the eight principles of “heartful community” building.

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