The Meaning Of True Success

Success is what every human being wants and dreams of in this world, even from the small children who are born, they taught to achieve success, "son, be a successful person" becomes a mantra that must be in the ears of every child. But some children who are born and grow up with a critical mind will probably ask questions about the success of both parents.

In fact what most people mean by success is wealth. The hope of owning a luxury car, a magnificent house, a material that raises fame and prestige value is the main recipe for forming a symbol of the success of a human child.

The meaning of superficial and narrow success is inherent in the thinking of this generation to form two choices in the growth of their lives, "you are fighting for abundant wealth or you fail." And unfortunately, the fruits of thought are answered with the state of this age in terms that are familiar to our ears: the rich get richer and the poor the poorer.

The quest for wealth as much as excessive causes social and economic problems that impact on global coverage. America is considered as a developed country with its superpower nickname though not apart from the problem, the irony of 80% of the people only enjoy 7% of the country's wealth and almost half the country's wealth is controlled by only 1% of the total population of the people, so the growth and economic prosperity of his country Can be felt by a small part of society. Indonesia is a Muslim-majority country, as if not wanting to lag in adopting the same problem, according to recent research, 80% of the money circulating in Indonesia is only enjoyed by a handful of large entrepreneurs and the remaining 20% ​​is enjoyed by the lower community.

The fact is exacerbated by the rise of culturally lavish culture or we call bourgeois. Take a brief look at the phenomenon of a smartphone in an electronic shopping center. If a new type of smartphone appears, it will keep people coming to change their old smartphone. The goods seem to be a pride and a symbol of wealth for himself that appear update or renewable in front of the community. Starting from just looking and then arise a strong desire to buy by paying directly or even by way of debt to the bank though, when the price of the smartphone is not exactly cheap.

If humans are able to do the habit for a material thing, the simplicity and love of sharing can also be shaped in the lives of many people, they can update or renew the monthly alms value, or spend a little time coming to pay attention to the "Poor" Who are entangled in difficult circumstances to reach their rights. But is that what happened? It should be easier to do and more useful when compared to buying a smartphone that just to appear update.

The excessive pleasure of the unconscious world has caused the decline of one's character and character. The pride of material possessing arrogant, "riya", and showy nature. Excess ownership fosters greed and arrogance. Wealth in such conditions is not a capital of means of repair and a sense of security for itself but a poison that kills slowly then spreads into the air so that it affects the surrounding environment.

Though humans tend to hurt and persecute themselves, Allah Ta'ala unceasingly displays His compassionate and Merciful nature, through the holy book of the Qur'an and his messenger who began the Prophet Muhammad, He always reminds and directs man to be the best creature. In the Qur'an, Allah Ta'ala says:

"O ye who believe! Spend a portion of the sustenance We have given you before the day when that day shall no more trade and no intercession" (2: 255)

"And Spend in the way of Allah, and do not throw yourself into perdition, and do good, for Allah loves those who do good" (2: 196)

In essence the source of all sustenance comes from Allah Ta'ala, the world is formed with the system and laws of nature are organized so as to create the best balance for humans to live in it. Resources as a means of fulfilling human needs are actually in sufficient quantity for all human beings on this earth, but through his own two hands is the man himself dropped into the downturn and problems. Look at Africa, a picture that is embedded in the minds of many people about the continent is just sadness, hunger, drought or war. Whereas the African continent is actually rich with abundant mineral resources, it's just that the resource are traded and spent in other parts of the world.

If only man hears the call of Allah Ta'ala with a strong spirit and firmness, spend the fortune that Allah Almighty gives to him for good. Then it will be a means of repair and happiness like a person who is so strong thirst and drink cold fresh water that filled his physical and spiritual thirst, and will continue to spread like a river that drains the source of life, poverty will be something very rare, Happiness and improvement of mankind will spread to the roots.

The glorious Prophet Muhammad and his companions gave the best example of simplicity in the 1400 years ago, in the dry and barren land deemed unimportant by the great nations of the time, where in a small building supported by some wood, the floor was not from Luxurious ceramic that is comfortable to sit on and on foot but the ground, the roof is not a precarious roof but leaves of dried date palm leaves, the place is called a mosque. With clothing and simple food, they gathered in it to discuss solutions for the condition of his people who had been severely damaged morally and his custom, when sacrifices were needed to protect from the assault, they flocked to present their possessions and energy to be at the forefront to join and. The hard work and simple lifestyle continues to be exemplified by the start of Prophet Muhammad SAW and his companions in battles and encounters with kings though, so that it becomes a characteristic and historical evidence that can not be separated from the noble figure of the Messenger of Allah. In the end success and glory successfully achieved, to remote corners of the country. The worldly wealth and accomplishments that have been achieved are used for the means of repairing mankind. Development of science and technology, aid for the benefit of the poor and refugees of war victims, equitable justice whether he is a Muslim or a non-Muslim. These improvements continue to form a country so thriving in the social, economic, and human qualities of a religious character, so that the progress of the Muslims can no longer be dammed even by the great and powerful state of the country at that time.

One's true success is not just about the abundant wealth or how well-known person in society, but how man keeps working hard in improving himself by hearing the call of Allah Ta'ala and applying it to the activity of life. In fact the glorious victory which has been achieved by the glorious prophet Muhammad s.a and his companions are in simplicity also accompanied by hard work and earnestness in making sacrifices for the improvement of mankind.


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